MY Daily UT Weblog

One after another the dirty-tricks emerge revealing Union Tribune's ruthless campaign against workers' rights.When UT employees attempt to stand up for themselves and try to form a union, we face threats, propaganda, discrimination, intimidation, harassment and even firings.It's wrong, and it's got to stop now!!! AND IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

Welcome! I'm Meinard "Maestro" Belarmino, Home & Living has always been one of my favorite subjects and History, Music, Arts, Faith, People, Places, Friends, Politics(?) and Family is my life. I hope you'll be interested in some of my subjects. So, please take a look around and reflect yourself. I'll try to add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often! It took a lot of time to publish a good website especially dedicated to everyday people, the real people & friends I've always met everyday, I've been busy working for a living, like you guys out there. But I'm glad to be here to Welcome YOU! Please give your comments, inputs and suggestions to improve this site. All the items you read here are from facts and variety of opinions of other people like you. Your freedom of self-expression here on the Net. Thanks for your time...Don't forget to click other links here on the main page! Don't forget to visit my archives too! There are more to see,listen,learn and to discover. Let's explore the wonderful world of (W.W.W.)World Wide Web! Sometimes... if not always "Weird Wide World". Whatever, it is good..."TULOY LANG PO KAYO!"

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Pay Cut, re-Classification & the Palletizer Incident

Today I just heard that the white envelope that is being handed by Michael Connor personally to some of my co-workers is about the pay-cut. Some will have $2 to $5 paycut on their pay hour wages.
This is the result of the bidding schedule that the company wants to implement and forced us to sign and give us a deadline. Some were demoted to Packager III to Packager I. Some are surprised and shocked because from full-time worker they become a part-time worker. Some who are getting 5 shifts every week, now they have 4 shifts.
I know that they (management) want the workers to blame the union for this consequences.
Also today Bill, the mechanic told me that one of the driver accidentally and damaged the new palletizer, it is good the damaged is only minimal. But caused him (Bill) to come to work as early as 5AM. He told me " I missed the fun!"


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